A planning application for 34 new homes in Offenham has been submitted to Wychavon District Council.
The development, put forward by residential land specialist Terra, is proposed for development in the emerging South Worcestershire Development Plan Review and would bring much-needed new housing to the area, with 40% of the homes designated as affordable.
Jordan Langdon-Bates, land and development director at Terra, said: “This application proposes the development of land south of Three Cocks Lane to provide a high-quality, residential development of 34 homes in a variety of styles to suit the needs of the local community.”
“The proposals are well suited to the existing residential area, carefully designed to respect and enhance its context. Over 40% of the site would be retained as open space, providing maintained landscaped areas for public use.”
The full planning application includes a mix of bungalows and family homes ranging in size from two-bedroom maisonettes to four-bedroom houses. It is proposed that 14 of the homes, 40%, are affordable and will comprise two and three-bedroom properties.
The site is located a short distance from the centre of the village of Offenham, which is just a 10-minute drive from Evesham.
Jordan added: “The site represents a sustainable location within an established residential area with local amenities and presents a good opportunity for new family homes.”
“The plans are based around the concept of forming a small development parcel with a ‘rural edge’, while enhancing biodiversity through the retention of existing established trees and planting of a green buffer around the site edges.”
The scheme has been designed to maximise the site’s existing features, orienting the new plots to form outward-facing development and address open spaces, and utilising the natural fall of the land to provide sustainable drainage.
The proposed elevations utilise a simple palette of materials and details that will complement their surroundings and tie the new development into the wider residential area.
Terra has recently secured residential land in numerous counties, stretching across the Cotswolds, Midlands and East Anglia. It currently controls 21 sites, totalling around 830 acres of residential land capable of delivering 4,300 new homes.
Source: Show House News